Begin Your Healing Journey with Michelle
Do you feel scattered or detached from life after a traumatic occurrence? Do you feel disconnected from yourself and others? Do you suffer from chronic depression, emotional numbness or low energy? If so, you have come to the right place.
My work blends psychotherapy with shamanic healing techniques to help people reintegrate parts of themselves that have been lost to trauma. Shamanic healing accesses the unseen realms of reality to give people the power they need to manifest the changes they want in their lives.
Begin Your Healing Journey with Michelle
Do you feel disconnected from yourself and others? Have you felt scattered, and not present, after a car accident or some other traumatic episode? Do you suffer from chronic depression, emotional numbness or low energy? Do you feel stuck and unable to move forward in your life? If you do, you are not alone.
My healing work involves helping people reintegrate parts of themselves that have been lost due to trauma. Shamanic healing works in the unseen realms of reality to give people the power they need to implement the changes they want in their lives.
Specialized Offerings
Shamanic Counseling.
The underlying intention of shamanic counseling is to restore the client’s personal power. By restoring personal power, the client becomes proactive and more able move forward, progress quickly, and to take responsibility for their own healing.
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Soul Retrieval.
Soul Retrieval is a ceremony to restore personal power lost through traumatic episode. Soul loss is not an illness, but actually a healthy natural response to any kind of trauma.
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Cord Cutting.
Establishing an intimate relationship involves the creation of energetic cords. It is ineffective to break energetic ties to long term relationships, and even intense short term relationships by divorce or geographical distancing.
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Reiki & Chakra Clearing.
Reiki is safe, gentle, and when combined with other forms of treatment, works as a catalyst to move energetic blockages and to speed healing. Reiki treatments are deeply relaxing and are highly effective as treatment for stress and anxiety. Reiki treatments have also been shown to enhance recovery from medical procedures.
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"All the buddhas, bodhisattvas, and enlightened beings are present at all moments to help us, and it is through our intentional presence that all of their blessings are focused directly at us."
— Sogyal Rinpoche
Step Into My Office
Our vision was to manifest a beautiful home for our business in the heart of the city that was easily accessible from all four directions. When we first toured the John Palmer House, a historic property built in 1890, we knew at once, we were resonating with our vision.